Welcome to ATS,Glass specialist,my applications for Film or Solar Screens pay for themselves in 2-4yrs. 

 Solar screens,Roller & Patio shades Save on energy year round! I have 20 years exp.where ever there is glass i can improve it.I am a professional where film is involved.i am not limited to flat glass. a professional will be able to tint your home and any veichles also. and offer more than just 1 solution.



What are the benifets of solar screen.          The Home Cooling and Energy Savings potential of solar screens in warm climates are simply Phenomenal.
Room temperature reduction of up to 15 degrees and savings of up to 25-30% of the cooling portion of electric energy costs can be achieved in warm climates. Did those numbers register with you? Most people can't really understand how effective solar screens are until they get them on their windows. Then they understand.

Do you have "problem rooms" that always seems to be hotter than the others? Can you can walk some rooms and feel the heat? The closer you get to the window, the more you can feel the heat on your skin? Some people even close off certain rooms because they are too hot. Solar Screens are the "Instant Cure" for these heat problems.

Open your blinds and drapes to let in the light and stay cool with your windows covered by external solar screens.

Additional benefits of installing solar screens on your windows is UV Protection for your Drapes, Furniture, Floors Paintings and other valuables to Reduce or Eliminate Fading and discoloration. Another added benefit is Daytime Privacy.

How do Solar Screens Work?Suntex 80% Heat Blockage Chart

With Suntex Solar Screen installed, up to 80-90% of the sun's heat and glare is reflected, absorbed and dissipated before it strikes the window.

In mid-summer, as much as 230 BTUs can fall on each square foot of unprotected glass. The chart illustrates how Suntex 80 Solar Screens helps cool the home by blocking much of the heat before it reaches the glass.

Yes, even though they may look dark from the outside, the outward visibility can be excellent especially with the darker color Suntex 80% Solar Screens. In some cases the outward visibility is even improved as the solar screens reduce the sun's glare. The outward view can be so good that many people forget they are even on the windows.

Window Tint: Auto,Home,& office (Also mobil)



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